Catch your career DREAMS...
Achieving excellence in...
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Counseling through...
Partner Universities
We`re Core Cunsultants
Our objective at CORE CONSULTANTS is to assist and guide students to select the most suitable institution. On the basis of their personal prospects, we help students finding the course in their desired country. We provide consummate advice to the client to help them achieve their goals.
At CORE CONSULTANTS, we understand that each student and client have different academic and social backgrounds. We provide a platform to our clients to plan their future through our free counseling sessions. We care for our client from the day first to the end. We are here to long term build relationships not empires.
In our research most students find confusion about selecting the institutions abroad for foreign studies. We deliver in the critical and blur situation to decide their desired path. We deliver by maintaining our high standards and integrity. We also provide customized Visas & Immigration services for many other countries.
CORE CONSULTANTS is a Multi National Practicing Company based in Pakistan and UK. The scope of our activities includes Foreign Education, Skilled Immigration, Business Immigrations, Family Settlement/Spouse visas, Human Rights Applications and assistance for real estate sector worldwide . One of our CORE specialities is Study Abroad/Foreign Education.
We are accredited by British Council, AEO, ICEF, St. Alphe, WEBA, Uni Agents and presenting more than 300 + Universities/Institutions worldwide including United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Chezk Republic, Cyprus, Turkey, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Vietnam and China.
We provide a professional, comprehensive and confidential counseling session to our clients. Our preliminary assessment session is unique in one of its kind. We provide free assessment and details step by step guidelines to our client for achieving their future goals. Our counsellors aid and assist clients with their Visas and Immigration applications process. Our staff is fully aware of the UK Immigration Rules, Policies & Regulations and advice in the best interest of our clients.
Our links are spread around many countries where quality education is being provided. These include the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Italy, Hungary, Turkey, Malaysia, China, Russia and many others. This diverse and flexible platform is suitable for every student and immigrant. We have multilingual staff to assist clients in the simple and easy way. We hire best Freelancer Solicitors & Barristers from other countries occasionally according to our client’ needs. We also have working relationships with other law firms in the USA, Canada, Malaysia, UAE, South Africa for appeals cases.
Why should I choose to study in a foreign country?
How can you help us choose university?
What sort of universities do you represent?
How much would it cost to study abroad?
What do you mean by developing and developed countries?
Can I work part time in the foreign country?
What are the intakes of the university?
What test should I take up?
How long will it take to get the admission?
What documents do I require?
How long does it take to get the visa?
What about my accommodation?
How do I adjust in a new country?
Study in Switzerland
MarketingStudy in Malaysia
Branding, MarketingStudy in United Kingdom
PhotographyStudy in Canada
Media, PrintStudy in Czech Republic
Photography, PrintStudy in China
Media, PhotographyStudy in Georgia
Tech, Web DesignStudy in United States
Marketing, RetailStudy in Germany
PhotographyStudy in Cyprus
Branding, PhotographyStudy in Hungary
Marketing, PrintStudy in Ireland
Branding, MediaStudy in Austrailia
Some Facts
Free Initial Counseling
Free Initial Counseling
We assist students in selecting a suitable country which offers their desired course and helps align their aspiration with their choices.Parents are mainly concerned with the financial aspects and the University standard. We provide the appropriate solution. The initial counselling is free and we talk to students on prior appointment basis.
Fast Processing
Fast Processing
Core Consultants provides the means of having a backup plan forum predicted situations. Once the student is registered with us we are constantly in touch with the university to monitor the progress of the student application. Our well trained staff with highly specialized skill set does complete justice to the students.
Studying Abroad
Studying Abroad
Studying abroad is one of the major decisions taken by the student that changes the direction of their life. We recommend student to take up the assessment in English language required for study overseas. We also assist the students in understanding the credit system and how their various talents can facilitate them in credit transfer and credit evaluation.
MBBS in Europe
MBBS in Europe
MBBS in China | MBBS in Russia | MBBS in Ukraine | MBBS in Kyrgyzstan | MBBS in Georgia | MBBS in Philippines | MBBS in Kazakhstan | MBBS in Belarus | MBBS in Bulgaria | MBBS in Romania | MBBS in Turkey
Content Coming Soon
Visa Information and Assistance
Visa Information and Assistance
The visa requirement varies in each country and with the increase in the international student ratio in every university it has become a necessity for the student to be well aware of the visa policies. We provide student visa support and assistance to students through the procedure and in understanding the need of student vigilance.